Belmont Stakes Players Pool Results
2008 Belmont Stakes Players' Pool Ticket Results
TwinSpires Players' Pool - June 7, 2008
SUMMARY - Since there were no winning Pick-6 tickets on Belmont Stakes day, there will be a huge Pick-6 carryover of $1,186,625.88 for next Wednesday's Belmont racecard (June 11th, 2008). TwinSpires plans to host another Players' Pool for Wednesday's Belmont's Pick-6 carryover.
The Players' Pool Pick-6 for Belmont Stakes day resulted in one consolation ticket (with 5 of 6 winners) which returned $1,106.00. Each participant's share of the consolation return will be applied to accounts later this week. Thanks to all for participating.
Belmont Stakes Guaranteed $1million Pick-6
Ticket #1 - Resulted in one consolation ticket returning $1,106.00 for 5 of 6 winners
Race 6) 2,4,5,7,8 : #7 paid $3.00 to win
Race 7) 1,3,4,5,6,7,10 : #4 paid $21.20 to win
Race 8) 1,2,3,5 : #1 paid $7.50 to win
Race 9) 2,3,4,5,7,9 : #5 paid $7.20 to win
Race 10) 1,3,5,6,7,9,10,11 : #10 paid $10.40 to win
Race 11) 1
Ticket Cost: $13,440
Ticket #2
Race 6) 2,7,8 : #7 paid $3.00 to win
Race 7) 1,3,5,10
Race 8) 1,2,5 : #1 paid $7.50 to win
Race 9) 2,3,5,9 : #5 paid $7.20 to win
Race 10) 1,5,6,9,10 : #10 paid $10.40 to win
Race 11) 1,4,7
Ticket Cost: $4,320
Ticket #3
Race 6) 2,6,7 : #7 paid $3.00 to win
Race 7) 1,3,5,6,10
Race 8) 1,2,5 : #1 paid $7.50 to win
Race 9) 2,5,6,9 : #5 paid $7.20 to win
Race 10) 1,5,6,9,10 : #10 paid $10.40 to win
Race 11) 1
Ticket Cost: $1,800
Ticket #4
Race 6) 2,7,8 : #7 paid $3.00 to win
Race 7) 1,3,10
Race 8) 1,2,3,5 : #1 paid $7.50 to win
Race 9) 2,3,5,6,9 : #5 paid $7.20 to win
Race 10) 1,3,5,9,10 : #10 paid $10.40 to win
Race 11) 1
Ticket Cost: $1,800
Ticket #5
Race 6) 2,4,5,7,8 : #7 paid $3.00 to win
Race 7) 1,3,10
Race 8) 1,2,3,5 : #1 paid $7.50 to win
Race 9) 2,5,9 : #5 paid $7.20 to win
Race 10) 1,5,8,9,10 : #10 paid $10.40 to win
Race 11) 1
Ticket Cost: $1,800
Ticket #6
Race 6) 2,5,6,7,8 : #7 paid $3.00 to win
Race 7) 1,3,5,8,10
Race 8) 1,2,5 : #1 paid $7.50 to win
Race 9) 2,5,9 : #5 paid $7.20 to win
Race 10) 1,5,8,9
Race 11) 1
Ticket Cost: $1,800
Ticket #7
Race 6) 7 : #7 paid $3.00 to win
Race 7) 10
Race 8) 2
Race 9) 5,9 : #5 paid $7.20 to win
Race 10) 1,5,9
Race 11) 3,6,8,9,10 : #6 paid $79.00 to win
Ticket Cost: $60